Network: ERC-20 Chain: Ethereum Contract Address: 0xceaea4a42052c029ae5bbaeea79a1656fe85cea7
Scorcast AI Tokenomics Overview
Total Supply: 100 million $CAST tokens
Fixed Supply: The fixed supply ensures scarcity and stability in the token's value, making it a reliable asset for users and investors.
60% Liquidity Pool: 60,000,000 tokens are allocated to ensure ample liquidity and facilitate efficient market operations.
10% Marketing and CEX Listings: 10,000,000 tokens dedicated to marketing and securing listings on centralized exchanges to enhance visibility and accessibility.
12.5% Ecosystem Rewards: 12,500,000 tokens are dedicated to ecosystem rewards, designed to incentivize user participation and engagement. This fund rewards users who contribute to the growth and vibrancy of Scorcast AI and it's community.
12.5% Strategic Sale: Another 12,500,000 tokens are set aside for strategic sales, targeting Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and strategic partners. This tranche will be released gradually to align with the Scorcast AI's long-term objectives and ensure the involvement of partners who can drive our vision forward.
5% Team: 5,000,000 tokens are allocated to the team, and vested over 12 months.
4% Buy & Sell Tax Allocation 2% for Development | 2% for Marketing
#HODL Rewards
Revenue Sharing
Affiliate Rewards
Strategic Goals:
Drive User Engagement and Retention: By requiring tokens to access services, we encourage long-term holding and deeper platform engagement.
Support Scalable Growth: The tokenomics framework is designed to support growth, scalability, and the introduction of new features and services.
Last updated